Networking in 2023: Offline and Online Relationships Matter

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In today’s interconnected professional landscape, the power of networking cannot be underestimated. It has become a vital skill that can open doors, foster collaborations, and propel career growth.

However, successful networking goes beyond merely exchanging business cards at events. It hinges on building meaningful relationships that stand the test of time and serves as a foundation for professional success.

In this article, we provide practical and effective networking tips that can help you establish genuine connections, expand your network, and unlock exciting opportunities that can propel your career to new heights.

What Is Networking and Why Is It So Important?

Networking is the process of creating and nurturing relationships with other professionals and individuals in your field of interest or industry. It involves actively engaging with others, whether in person or online, to build a mutually beneficial connection. And it is important for several reasons:

1. Opportunities

According to Zippa, Networking has been instrumental in securing the current employment of approximately 70% of individuals.¹

Networking helps professionals to expand their opportunities for career growth, job prospects, and business ventures. Connecting with a diverse range of individuals increases your chances of learning about new job openings, projects, collaborations, and partnerships.

2. Knowledge and Learning

Networking allows professionals to gain valuable insights, knowledge, and expertise from others in their field. Imagine engaging in conversations, attending industry events, or participating in professional groups. These activities can expose you to new ideas, industry trends, and best practices.

3. Collaboration and Support

Networking provides a platform for collaboration and support. You can find potential mentors, advisors, and partners who can guide you, share their experiences, and support your professional journey. Building a solid network can lead to mutually beneficial relationships where professionals help and support each other.

4. Reputation and Visibility

Networking helps professionals build their reputation and increase their visibility within their industry. When you actively engage with others and contribute to discussions, you become known for your expertise and thought leadership. This can lead to increased recognition, career advancements, and opportunities for speaking engagements or thought leadership positions.

How Can You Start Networking?

Starting networking can seem daunting, but with a strategic approach and some key steps, you can begin building your professional network. Here are some networking tips to help you get started:

1. Define your goals.

Clarify what you want to achieve through networking. Setting clear goals will guide your networking efforts. Are you seeking:

  • Career opportunities
  • Mentorship
  • Industry knowledge
  • Specific connections

2. Leverage existing contacts.

Start by reaching out to your current contacts, such as colleagues, classmates, friends, or family members. Inform them about your professional interests and ask if they can introduce you to individuals in your target industry or connect you with relevant networking events or groups.

3. Attend industry events.

Participate in conferences, workshops, seminars, and job fairs related to your field. These events offer excellent opportunities to meet professionals, exchange ideas, and expand your knowledge. Be proactive in engaging with others, ask questions, and collect contact information for follow-up.

4. Utilize online platforms.

Leverage social media platforms such as LinkedIn, Twitter, Slack, and professional forums to connect with professionals in your field. Consistency is key on social media. Share content regularly, engage with others’ posts, and stay active within your network. You can do this by creating a compelling and professional online presence and joining relevant groups.

  • Comment on posts or ask thoughtful questions.
  • Share relevant insights related to your industry or area of expertise.
  • Keep an eye out for virtual events, webinars, or live streams.
  • Use direct messages to initiate more personalized conversations.
  • Ask for advice and explore collaboration opportunities.
  • Ask connections do to a virtual coffee to deepen the relationship.

By being consistent and active, you increase your visibility, stay on others’ radars, and create opportunities for networking and collaboration.

5. Seek mentorship.

Mentors can provide valuable guidance and support in your professional journey. Look for experienced professionals in your field who can offer knowledge and advice. Approach them respectfully, explaining your interest in their expertise, and request their mentorship or occasional guidance.

6. Offer assistance and value.

Networking is a two-way street. It’s not just about what you can get but also about what you can offer. Be proactive in offering assistance by sharing relevant resources or providing support to others in your network. Actively listen to their needs and find ways to contribute value.

Building a reputation as a helpful and resourceful professional can strengthen your network.

What Skills Do You Need to Network?

Networking requires a combination of interpersonal, communication, and relationship-building skills. Here are some essential skills that can enhance your networking abilities:

1. Communication and Active Listening Skills

Develop strong verbal and written communication skills to articulate your thoughts clearly, actively listen to others, and engage in meaningful conversations. Be concise, confident, and adaptable in your communication style.

2. Relationship Building

Networking is about establishing and nurturing relationships. Develop relationship-building skills, including empathy, trustworthiness, and the ability to connect with people on a personal level. Show genuine interest in others, remember details about them, and find common ground to build rapport.

3. Emotional Intelligence

Emotional intelligence involves understanding and managing your emotions and being aware of others’ emotions. It helps you navigate social interactions, read non-verbal cues, and respond appropriately.

4. Personal Branding

Presenting yourself professionally and authentically is crucial in networking. Develop a strong personal brand that reflects your skills, expertise, and values. Maintain a positive online presence, including a well-crafted LinkedIn profile and a professional website if applicable. Use these platforms to consistently communicate your value proposition and unique strengths.

5. Networking Etiquette

Respect others’ time, be courteous, and adhere to professional standards. Be mindful of cultural differences and adapt your approach accordingly. Networking events often have specific norms and expectations, so familiarize yourself with appropriate behavior in different contexts.

How Can I Network as an Introvert?

Networking isn’t solely about extroverted socializing. It’s about building relationships, sharing knowledge, and creating mutually beneficial connections.

While extroverts are often inclined to meet people, this is not the same for introverts, who may not naturally gravitate toward social connections. Here are some strategies to help you navigate networking as an introvert:

1. Focus On Quality Over Quantity

Instead of trying to meet a large number of people, prioritize building deeper connections with a few individuals. Seek out smaller networking events or one-on-one meetings where you can engage in more meaningful conversations.

Quality connections can significantly impact your professional growth more than a vast network of superficial contacts.

2. Prepare and Research

Before attending an event or meeting, research the attendees and prepare an elevator pitch. Having some background knowledge or specific topics to discuss can boost your confidence and make conversations flow smoothly.

3. Find Common Interests

Look for shared interests or common ground when engaging in conversations. This can serve as a starting point and help you connect with others on a deeper level. Introverts often thrive in conversations that revolve around specific topics of interest rather than engaging in small talk.

4. Volunteer or Join Committees

Engaging in activities where you can contribute and work alongside others can effectively build meaningful connections. Consider volunteering for industry-related events or joining committees or task forces within professional associations. Working together on a common goal allows for more organic and profound networking opportunities.

5. Network One-On-One

If big events or group settings are intimidating, focus on establishing individual connections. Reach out to professionals you admire or want to learn from and request a one-on-one meeting or informational interview. These one-on-one interactions can be less overwhelming for introverts and provide a platform for more in-depth conversations.

How to Follow Up With a Contact After Networking

Effective networking doesn’t end after the initial interaction. It requires following up with contacts, expressing gratitude, and nurturing relationships over time. Here are six networking tips to help you boost and solidify the relationship you’ve made:

1. Keep Connecting

Reference specific points discussed, any common interests or shared experiences, and express your appreciation for the conversation.

Start your follow-up message by expressing gratitude for the person’s time, insights, or any specific help they provided during your conversation. Show sincere appreciation for their willingness to engage with you and share their expertise.

2. Don’t Wait Up

Aim to follow up within a few days of the initial interaction while the conversation and context are still fresh in both parties’ minds.

3. Get Back to the Conversation

Briefly recap the key points or takeaways from your conversation to refresh their memory. This reinforces the value of your discussion and shows you were actively listening. If you discussed any action items or follow-up tasks during your conversation, remind them and express your intention to follow through.

4. Give More Input

Offer something of value to the contact as a way to contribute and continue the relationship. This can be sharing an article, resource, or relevant information that aligns with their interests or needs. Providing value demonstrates your willingness to be helpful and fosters reciprocity in the relationship.

5. Suggest Reconnection

Propose potential next steps or future engagements to keep the connection alive. This shows your proactive approach and enthusiasm for maintaining the relationship.

It could be suggesting a meeting or call to explore collaboration opportunities, offering to introduce them to someone in your network who may benefit them, or mentioning upcoming industry events where you may cross paths again.

6. Keep the Lines Open

Stay in touch periodically by reaching out to them and checking in to see how they’re doing. You can also share relevant updates, articles, or other resources. Cultivating the relationship over time is pivotal in developing a strong professional network.


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1. Flynn, Jack. “25+ Important Networking Statistics [2023]: The Power of Connections in the Workplace” Zippia, 23 Feb. 2023,

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